Enrollment opens in....









You've never trained like this.

📣 Calling all sport climbers📣

Especially those of you who...

🧗🏻‍♀️ have cracked 5.11 outside, but you're looking to push it even further
✈️ have a climbing trip planned in November 
🤔 Are sick of feeling like the way you climb inside is TOTALLY different than how you climb outdoors

The Sendsgiving group program is exactly what you're looking for.
Inside of this program, you will

✅ set outdoor goals
that feel appropriate, inspiring, and move you forward as a climber
train in a way that specifically preps you for outdoor climbing (so you can show up feeling confident that you've put in the work!)
strategize to get the most out of your outdoor climbing days + trips (so you don't waste your precious outdoor climb-time!) 

.... if that sounds good to you, then GET ON THE WAITLIST.

Waitlisters will receive 
⭐️ PRIORITY ENROLLMENT (you'll get the chance to enroll before everyone else, which is a good thing because I keep this group SMALL on purpose)
⭐️ $100 off the program if you choose to enroll

📈 ... here's a fun stat for you.
71% of clients who trained with me in this program last year are still working with me right now.  

What are you waiting for? If this sounds good to you, get on this waitlist - STAT.

p.s. There's NO commitment to join if you sign up for the waitlist.